Are you fed up of feeling Anxious in the car?

Would you like to overcome it as quickly as possible?



"The 7 Most Likely Reasons

Your Driving Anxiety 

Isn't Going Away &

What To Do About it"


Find out what's keeping you stuck & The 3 essential steps to overcome your fear as quickly as possible!

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This FREE online video is for anyone

who has 'Acquired Driving Anxiety'

What's that?! Well did you know that not all Driving Anxiety is the same?

Some people have always felt anxious driving - But for others it's a NEW problem- 

If you used to be fine driving but after an accident it started to be really stressful... Then it's likely you have Acquired Driving AnxietyTM

And this video is just made FOR YOU!  

.... Grab your link the video to hear about the top 7 reasons that stop you overcoming the fear and what you can do that works.

...So you can get back to living your life again as soon as possible! 

Because what works for a nervous learner driver is NOT the same as overcoming acquired anxiety after an accident. 

The days & nights of being confused about what to do are over. This video will give you the three steps to overcoming fear. 

Dr. T. 

Welcome from Dr Thorns

Hi! I'm a Clinical Psychologist who has worked in adult mental health for over 22 years and met with over 3500 people with Acquired Driving AnxietyTM

And over those years I've seen every type of problem that keeps you going around in circles!

These problems can keep you stuck for years but are completely avoidable! 

I help you get past these barriers as quickly as possible -So you can stop wasting time on things that don't work- and only use what does!

I look forward to hearing what you learn from this video- You'll come away knowing which of the 7 Reasons apply to you and the 3 steps to take out of this fear. 



The 'Big 7' Reasons

You'll understand the 7 most likely reasons your driving anxiety isn't going away (sometimes for years)

So that you know exactly WHY your efforts haven't worked so far


Which of the 'Big 7' reasons apply to you

So that you stop putting time, energy & effort into things that aren't working for you 


The 3 Steps that are essential for overcoming driving anxiety 

So that you can get on the right path, knowing that you are using the most effective, tried and tested techniques from a Clinical Psychologist who has advised over 3500 people with the same fear.